City of Berkeley
The City of Berkeley is soliciting a firm to assist the City by conducting a comprehensive HR assessment, specifically salaries and salary grades, job descriptions, paths for promotions, and HR manual revisions. The City is open to additional suggestions in this area of the organization as part of this process. Qualified firms should respond with five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of their qualifications to include the following information. Limit submissions to 15 single sided 8 ½ x 11 pages. Covers and tabs are not part of the page count. Please include: 1. General information about the company. 2. Key personnel of the firm and their experience and qualifications. Provide information for any subcontractors as well. Please be brief. 3. Specific project and costs proposal. 4. An estimated timeline. 5. Five (5) examples of experience with related projects including ability to work within budget constraints and ability to meet schedules. 6. References. 7. General cost estimates/examples from past projects.
Nathan Mai-Lombardo
City of Woodson Terrace
The City of Woodson Terrace, Missouri (City) seeks consulting services to prepare an updated Comprehensive Plan. The new, updated plan will provide vision, goals, objectives, and policies to guide the City’s elected and appointed officials, property owners, developers, staff, and residents on the appropriate growth and redevelopment for Woodson Terrace. Consultants or a consultant team should have expertise in the areas of land use planning, transportation connectivity, urban design, economics, and sustainability. It is anticipated that work will begin in summer 2024, and the finished product will be adopted by the City in 2025.
Sarah Piel
City of Bellefontaine Neighbors
The City of Bellefontaine Neighbors is soliciting proposals from qualified forensic audit firms to conduct a ten (10) year comprehensive forensic audit. The purpose of the audit is to investigate potential fraudulent activities within the city's financial operations, identify any instances of fraud, and recommend measures to prevent future occurrences.
Semmie Ruffin-Hall
City of Berkeley
The City of Berkeley is soliciting a development team to assist the City in constructing single family homes throughout the community.
Nathan Mai-Lombardo