November Affiliate Open House
In lieu of a November Membership meeting, we will again have an Open House featuring our Affiliate Members on Wednesday, November 30. We invite you to stop in, have refreshments, and meet and greet with the Affiliate Members.

The Open House will include our municipal members from St. Louis County and elected officials and staff from St. Charles County.
The City of Maryland Heights will host the event at the Maryland Heights Community Center, 2300 McKelvey Rd., Maryland Heights, MO 63043 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm.
League Adopts Legislative Priorities
At the October 27 meeting in Sunset Hills, the League membership adopted six Legislative Priorities for the 2023 session. These are:
- Video Service, Telecommunications Providers and Right-of-Way - The League opposes any new federal and state legislation or regulations that would diminish the ability of local governments to manage the public rights-of-way or to charge a fee or taxes to telecommunications and video service providers that use the public rights-of-way to deliver their product or service. All video service and telecommunications providers must comply with all local right-of-way regulations and consumer protection provisions. The League supports the authorization of local governments to impose reasonable fees for any use of the public rights-of-way and opposes any legislation that limits municipalities' authorities to manage the right-of-way for the public interest and/or transfer the cost of relation of utilities from private industry to public entities.
- Home-based Businesses - The League supports legislation to allow municipalities to license, tax and regulate home-based businesses and to enact any such land use regulations that would preserve the residential character of neighborhoods that may be threatened by a proliferation of home-based businesses. In addition, the law should be amended to include a definition for those employees simply working from home as opposed to operating a home-based business.
- Sales Tax - The League supports legislation that would simplify the sales tax statutes and allow municipalities the flexibility to designate sales tax use, subject to voter approval.
- Sunshine Law and Closed Records - The League supports legislation such as SB 930 that would allow the closure of certain email and phone records under the Sunshine Law. In addition, Missouri Revised Statute Section 610.010 Definitions, subsection (6) “Public Record” states “that personally identifiable student records maintained by public educational institutions” are note sunshine able. The League supports amending subsection (6) to replace “public educational institution” with “public governmental body” to protect identifiable student information held by any governmental body.
- Sovereign Immunity - The League supports the provisions of HB 2690 (2022) which would shield local governments from the need to be listed as an additional insured on the policies of other non-government entities.
- State Funding for Rock Island Trail - The League supports funding and development of the Rock Island Trail and other similar trails throughout the state in support of environmental, health, economic development, and tourism benefits that the trails would provide.
State Representative Dean Plocher
District 089
Representative Plocher is the majority floor leader for the House and will assume the House Speaker position in January 2023. He is a native Saint Louisan who graduated from Ladue Horton Watkins High School before attending Middlebury College in Vermont. He then returned to St. Louis to attend St. Louis University Law School, earning a law degree in 1997.
Representative Plocher recently joined Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch, LC. In addition, Representative Plocher serves as a Commissioner for the Uniform Law Commission. He has served as a Municipal Judge in the 21st Judicial Circuit in 2005 and served on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Municipal and Associate Circuit Judges Association. Representative Plocher is a member of the Missouri Bar Association, the Republican National Lawyers Association, Illinois Bar Association, and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis.
He has served in the Missouri House of Representative for the 89th District since 2016.
Dean resides in Des Peres with his wife Rebecca, a registered nurse, and their two children.
We look forward to working with him in his new role as Speaker.
Municipal Park Grants Awarded
Park Grant Commission Round 23 Grants
The Municipal Parks Grant Commission awarded 25 municipal park improvement grants totaling $9.8 million for Round 23. To date, the Commission has awarded 429 grants totaling approximately $97 million.
Municipalities can also apply for planning grants up to $10,000 to help develop master plans to guide future park developments or for construction specific project planning. The planning grant applications are available throughout the year and can be found Here.
MML Eastern MO Regional Meeting
The Missouri Municipal League is holding Eastern MO Regional Meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center, 210 E. Monroe St., 63122. MML members from St. Louis County and surrounding counties are invited to attend.
East-West Gateway Annual Meeting
East-West Gateway’s 2022 Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2022, from noon until 1:30 p.m. at the Hilton at the Ballpark in downtown St. Louis. Please mark your calendars.
During the luncheon, East-West Gateway will be presenting the Outstanding Local Government Achievement (OLGA) Awards to honor the extraordinary work of individuals, municipal and county governments/ departments, special purpose districts and public educational institutions in the city of St. Louis and Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis counties in Missouri and Madison, Monroe and St. Clair counties in Illinois.
Before the luncheon, join for a presentation and discussion of a Transportation Equity Assessment for the St. Louis Region. This session will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Go to EWGA 2022 Annual Meeting to find out more information about both events.
MoDOT's St. Louis Transportation Update
Rep. Kevin Windham
There are over 5,500 properties in some stage of the tax foreclosure process in St. Louis County. Most of the properties are vacant and in disrepair which attract criminal activity, lowers the property values of adjacent properties, destabilizes the neighborhood and the entire community. In many cases, when the County is unable to sell the properties, the properties are given to the municipalities which become a financial liability. There are several municipalities in St. Louis County that currently control more than 100 foreclosed properties.
Although the properties have gone through foreclosure, they do not
have clear titles making it difficult and costly to sell. It could cost upwards of $2,500 per property and take a year or more to obtain a clear title.
Rep. Kevin Windham, from Hillsdale and the 85th District, has been working on legislation since last session that would allow municipalities and counties throughout the state to establish a land bank. A land bank is a government entity established, at least in part, to assemble, temporarily manage, and dispose of vacant land for the purpose of stabilizing neighborhoods and getting the properties back on the local tax rolls.
The land bank would professionally manage the properties while working to build stronger neighborhoods.
Rep. Windham is working with Rep. Bill Owen from Springfield and the hope is that this bi-partisan approach will help the bill during the session. There will be more information and updates as we get closer to the legislative session.
The Treasury Department is cutting back the support services it offered to state and local governments for handling various pandemic-related programs including the ARPA program.
Most notably, on Monday October 17, the department shut down the call center that provided state and local assistance. The department will be reducing its email response operations at the end of the month. The reduction is due to Congress not passing a bill to continue funding this program. The call center fielded about 300 inquiries a week, and the email team has been responding to about 2,000 questions a week, according to a Treasury official.
The call center and email operations were especially important to smaller governments as well as many of the municipalities that did routinely receive federal funding previously and worked with agencies other than the Treasury Department.
As a reminder, the chart below shows the due date for ARPA Project and Expenditure Annual Reports.
Annual Project and Expenditure Report Timeline Report

STP-S and CMAQ Project Solicitation
Applications open November 4, 2022
East-West Gateway Council of Governments will soon be accepting applications for Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ). EWG will host three project development workshops to provide information on STP-S and CMAQ, including program eligibility and requirements, project applications, scoring criteria, and available funding. One will be hosted virtually and two will be in-person. See Upcoming Events and Webinars below for details. Application forms and additional information will be available soon.
Department of Homeland Security State and Local Cyber Funding Opportunity
Application deadline: November 15, 2022
Long-awaited federal cyber dollars are becoming available with the release of the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP). The federal government is making $183.5 million available under the SLCGP in FY 2022. State, county, and local governments are eligible to apply. For more information:
2023 LWCF Grant Round is Open
Application deadline: November 16, 2022
Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants are available to cities, counties, and public-school districts to be used for outdoor recreation projects. For more information about this program, to download the grant application and Open Project Selection Process, and to register for a grant application workshop:
Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
Application deadline: November 16, 2022
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Division of State Parks, is now accepting application for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP). The grant focuses on communities with little to no access to outdoor recreation opportunities in urban areas. The grant can be used for park projects to create new outdoor recreation spaces, reinvigorate existing parks, and form connections between people and the outdoors in economically underserved communities. For more information:
Waste Diversion Grant Program
St. Louis County Department of Health continues to provide Solid Waste Management Programs to help improve waste diversion. The 2022 grant program is designed to encourage municipalities to seek assistance for improving residential recycling and waste diversion programs in your community. Future Grant application deadlines are October 31, 2022 and December 31, 2022. For more information and the website link, please see:
Upcoming Events and Webinars
Missouri Municipal League's Eastern MO Regional Meeting
November 15, 2022, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM, Kirkwood Missouri
Kirkwood performing Arts Center, 210 Monroe E Monroe Street, Kirkwood, MO 63122
The City of Kirkwood will host the Metro East Regional meeting of the Missouri Municipal League. This event will provide an excellent opportunity for municipal officials to meet with their neighboring officials, find common cause and share an excellent meal. Register here: Eastern MO Regional Meeting - Kirkwood (
Missouri American Public Works Association Fall 2022 Conference
November 6 - 8, 2022, Union Station, St. Louis
Meet me in St. Louis! Registration is now open for the Missouri APWA Fall 2022 Conference at Union Station. For more information. 2022 Missouri Chapter APWA Fall Conference
STP-S and CMAQ Project Development Workshop (MO)
November 15, 2022, 9:30 - 11:30 AM, Maryland Heights Community Center -
2300 McKelvey Rd., Maryland Heights, MO 63043
The workshop will provide information on the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ). Information covered includes program eligibility and requirements, project applications, scoring criteria, and available funding. Register here: Project Development Workshop Online Registration – East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWGCOG) (
STP-S and CMAQ Project Development Workshop (Webinar)
November 10, 2022, 9:30 - 11:30 AM
The workshop will provide information on the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ). Information covered includes program eligibility and requirements, project applications, scoring criteria, and available funding. Register here: Registration (