February Membership Meeting
When: Thursday, February 23, 2023
Where: Olivette City Hall, 1140 Dielman Road, Olivette, MO (MAP)
Time: 6:30pm Refreshments
7:00pm Meeting
We are pleased the City of Olivette will host the February Membership Meeting.
Thank you, Mayor Weil!
Presenting on Thursday, February 23 will be Lisa Dunn with Flock Safety. Flock Safety Traffic Cameras are now in place in many cities and are proving to be a valuable tool in the effort to reduce vehicle thefts and capture offenders. The camera systems are being purchased by municipalities, private businesses and homeowner associations which can be monitored by local dispatch centers. The cameras read license plates, make of car, color and other details. When a stolen or suspicious vehicle is detected, the information is immediately dispatched to law enforcement officials who can then track the vehicle. Ms. Dunn, Regional Manager for Flock Safety, will discuss in more detail how the Flock systems operate and how it may benefit your city in reducing auto thefts, carjackings and other crimes within you community.
. League Seeks Board Candidates
Due to League term limits, there will be at least one vacancy on the Executive Board for the coming year. Terms are now 3 years. The Board meets about nine times per year and is open to any elected official from a member municipality.
If you are interested in serving on the Municipal League's Executive Board, please send a letter or email to the League office by April 3 indicating your interest and outlining your qualifications, including public service, volunteer committees and attendance at League meetings and other events.
The League's Nominating Committee will meet in early April after the municipal elections. The committee will make recommendations to the full membership on a slate of candidates for officers and board members for the 2023 - 2024 year. The Committee will be chaired by Bridgeton Mayor Terry Briggs, Immediate Past President. The recommended slate of candidates will be presented at the April 27 membership meeting. If you are interested in serving on the Board please let us know!
Senator Andrew Koenig represents the 15th district, which includes a large portion of southwest and west St. Louis County, including all or parts of Ballwin, Chesterfield, Clarkson Valley, Des Peres, Ellisville, Manchester, Sunset Hills, Town & Country, Twin Oaks, Wildwood, Winchester and unincorporated St. Louis County.
In addition to his legislative duties, Sen. Koenig is the owner of a construction company that does roofing and painting. He also is a licensed insurance adjuster.
Senator Koenig and his family attend West County Assembly of God.
A 2001 graduate of Marquette High School, Sen. Koenig received a B.A. in Business Administration from Lindenwood University in 2005.
Born Dec. 21, 1982 in St. Louis, Sen. Koenig currently resides in Manchester with his wife, Brooke, and their five children, Jeremiah, Isaac, Gideon, Lily and Levi. They are also foster care parents.
Prior Legislative Service:
-House of Representatives: 2009 – 2016
Statewide Committees:
-Governor’s Committee for Simple, Fair and Low Taxes
-Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Board
Gov. Parson's State of the State Address

Governor Parson gave his annual State of State address on January 18, outlining his goals and objectives for the legislative session. With what might be the largest state budget surplus, one of his top priorities calls for investing $859 million widening parts of I-70, including adding additional lanes from Wentzville to Warrenton.
Governor Parson continued his focus on infrastructure, workforce development and education. Below is a list of his top priorities.
Highlights of Gov. Mike Parson's budget plan
1) $859 million for upgrades to Interstate 70, including an additional lane in each
direction in the St. Louis, Columbia and Kansas City areas.
2) $35 million for improving safety at railroad crossings, following a deadly train
derailment in Mendon, Missouri last year.
3) A $118 million increase to fully fund the state’s K-12 education formula; over
$3.6 billion in total base funding.
4) $79 million more for childcare providers.
5) $71 million increase to core higher education funding.
6) $50 million for school security upgrades
7) $56 million to expand early childhood education access to an estimated 17,000
more kids.
8) $4 million for a plan to address maternal mortality
9) $233 million for school transportation costs
10) $7.2 million for a new St. Louis region youth center
Numerous bills have been assigned to committee and hearings are beginning in earnest.
League Priority Bills are:
HB 177 (Van Schoiack) - currently, no city in Missouri shall submit, to the voters, any proposal that results in a combined rate of sales taxes adopted under Section 94.510, RSMo in excess of 2%. This bill removes this requirement.
HB 309 (Riggs) - authorizes two or more political subdivisions, upon a vote of eligible voters, to form a broadband infrastructure improvement district for the delivery of broadband Internet service to their residents. A district would also have the power to contract with a broadband Internet service provider.
HB 394 (Falkner) - defines as closed records email addresses of local government residents for purposes of receiving government correspondence and GPS records of public safety vehicles. (Support)
HB 928 (Falkner) - delays date for lowering video franchise fees from 2023 to 2026 to allow time for Task Force on Right of Way Management and Taxation to meet. (Support)
HB 978 (Falkner) - modifies provisions for home-based businesses enacted in 2022. (Support)
Other bills of interest include:
SB 96 (Koenig) - requires a unanimous vote of a local governing body to establish a community improvement district or transportation development district. Local Government & Elections Committee. Heard 1/30.
HB 64 (Terry) - establishes term limits of 8 years for 4th class city mayors. Allows monthly stipends for 4th class city elected officials, rather than salaries.
SB 161 (Coleman) - provides that retail sales of food shall be exempt from state and local sales taxes. Economic Development & Tax Policy Committee. (Oppose) There are also numerous House bills proposing to eliminate the sales tax on food.
SB 242 (Eigel) - repeals the 2021 gas tax increase. (Oppose) Similar bills are SB 260 (Moon) and SB 454 (Carter).
The League will continue to email weekly legislative updates throughout the session.
New Affiliate Member Spotlight
Please welcome our new Affiliate and February guest speaker:
Flock Safety believes technology unites law enforcement and the communities they serve to eliminate crime and shape a safer future together. Flock Safety created the first public safety operating system to enable neighborhoods, schools, businesses, and law enforcement to work together to collect visual, audio, and situational evidence across an entire city to solve and prevent crime.
Their connected platform, comprised of License Plate Recognition (LPR), live video, audio detection, and a suite of integrations (AVL, CAD & more), alerts law enforcement when an incident occurs and turns unbiased data into objective answers that increase case clearance, maximize resources, and reduce crime -- all without compromising transparency or human privacy.
Click here to visit their web site for more information.
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Suballocated and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
Application deadline: February 9, 2023
East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG) is accepting applications for Surface Transportation Block Grant Program-Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) projects. STP-S and CMAQ funds are available to eligible Illinois and Missouri sponsors. Application forms and additional information available here.
2023 Recreational Trails Program Grant Application Round Open
Application deadline: February 16, 2023
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources Division of State Parks 2023 grant application round for the Recreational Trails Program is open. These grants are available to cities, counties, and nonprofit organizations to be used to create motorized and non-motorized trails for recreational use. Federal agencies can also apply for funding for motorized trails. For more information.
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Grants
Application deadline: February 28, 2023
The U.S. Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants. RAISE was formerly known as BUILD and TIGER. Project applications for RAISE funding will be evaluated on statutory criteria of safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, mobility and community connectivity, economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism, state of good repair, partnership and collaboration, and innovation. For more information.
Missouri Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program Accepting Applications
Application deadline: March 1, 2023
The Missouri DWSRF provides low-interest loans to municipalities, counties, public water districts, non-for-profit corporations, and investor-owned water utility corporations for drinking water infrastructure projects, including new construction or the improvement or renovation of existing facilities. For more information.
Construction Inspection Course
Bi-State Upgrading MetroLink Trains
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – Bi-State Development plans to upgrade its MetroLink trains. Many of the existing ones are decades old.

The agency plans to spend around $150 million to get about 40 new MetroLink trains. Of that $150 million, 20 percent would come from local funds, and 80 percent would come from the federal government.
Taulby Roach, President and CEO of Bi-State Development, said the new MetroLink trains would have a lot more amenities like Wi-Fi as well as new safety measures like better, enhanced, more modern security cameras.
“The initial order of those vehicles was nearly 30 years old, believe it or not, from the 1990s,” Roach said. “So just like any operation, we need to look at phasing in new purchases.”
Roach said the new train cars will complement the increased security measures on MetroLink. Bi-State is spending $53 million to close MetroLink platforms to all but ticket holders.
FOX 2 has been urging Bi-State to limit access to the platforms for years, even before the current CEO, but that advice has been ignored.
Reporters traveled to Atlanta to inspect the MARTA Transit System and show their turnstiles and security measures. However, it did not prompt Bi-State to act either.
Roach has changed his mind and is now in favor of restricting access to the platforms to just ticket holders, increasing security, and adding new trains.
Some passengers are taking notice.
“Now, I’m seeing more security more officers; it’s a lot less things going on now,” said Ariana Davis.
She said she thinks MetroLink is safer than before.
“Everyone wants a safe neighborhood. I run a transit neighborhood, and I want to make sure that it safe,” Roach said. “That means if we need to make those investments, we’re going to do it.”
Investment in Infrastructure Expo
February 28, 2023, 1:00 - 6:00 PM, St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, MO
Over 20 project presenters, including public and private agencies covering local, state, and federal governments, and major utilities serving the region, will spend the afternoon interacting with contractors, engineers, and other industry professionals in a trade show floor environment to discuss their upcoming capital improvement projects. For more information.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
February 23, 2023 |
League Meeting |
Olivette |
March 23, 2023 |
League Meeting |
Ferguson |
April 27, 2023 |
League Meeting |
UM - St. Louis |